Junior/Middle back-end developer
Asliddin Eshonkulov Backend Engineer | Tashkent, Uzbekistan Education Cambridge International University, (Oct 2021 – May 2022) Pearson-BTEC Foundation in IT. Focus area on Object Oriented Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development Experience Backend Support, Mars IT School(June 2023 – Present) ○ Helped 23+ students to understand programming concepts ○ Supported 7+ mentors during programming courses Frontend Mentor, Salaam Academy(Sept 2022 – May 2023) ○ Helped 23+ students to learn programming basics with JavaScript ○ Developed personal sites and games with students ( e.gTic-Tac-Toe ) github.com/eshonkulov-asliddin python, java, js○ Created a Quiz-Appplatform that helped students learn concepts faster and tested their knowledge. Projects Room Booking API ,Developed with Java, Spring ○ User can book a room for specific period of time ○ Shows available times for booking ○ Project followed Layered Architecture pattern News Management API ,Developed with Java, Spring ○ Implemented CRUD for News, Author, Tag and Comment ○ Project follows Layered Architecture Pattern ○ Tested REST API with REST-assured testing library ○ Tested Layered Architecture pattern with ArchUnit testing library ○ Implemented Mapstruct for transfering data between service and repository To-Do App ,Developed with Django ○ A web application that allows users to create, edit, and dеlеtеtasks ○ Provides a user-friendly interface for creating, managing, completing and searching tasks ○ The search feature allows users to quickly find tasks based on keywords ○ Tells the user how many tasks left Awards & Honors ○ Winner of Induction Week at Cambridge International University ○ Winner of Wind and Percussion instruments Musical Compititon which is held once in two year in Uzbekistan by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan ○ Attended Spasskaya Tower Festivalin Russia with our R.I.M.A.L lyceum ORCHESTRA by the name of Uzbekistan in 2019 ○ Winner of Republican CompititionSan’at G’unchalari twice in 2016 and 2018 Skills & Interests Building systems which are easily scalable
14 февраля, 2015
40 лет (13 августа 1984)
4 октября, 2014
50 лет (21 мая 1974)
19 марта, 2015
40 лет (12 января 1985)