Middle Java Backend разработчик( Maroqand LLC )
Ja va 8 , J a va 1 1, J a va 1 7 , C ++ Te le g ra m B ot A PI, S tr e am A PI, A pac he M ave n, O OP, C olle ctio ns F ra m ew ork , G so n, M ult it h re ad in g , Postg re SQ L, P L/ P G SQ L Ja ka rta EE 10 , Se rv le t 6, JS P , JS TL, JD BC , JD BC Te m pla te , Ja ka rta P ers is te nc e A PI H ib ern ate , T o m cat 1 0 S p in g Se curit y , Sp rin g M VC , Sp rin g Boot, Sw ag ger, O penA PI, HATE O AS, M ap Str u c t, T h y m ele af , S p rin g d ata J P A , R est A PI G it , G it h ub Lin ux (U bun tu ,K ali) S Q L. M yS Q L, M ong oD B H TM L, C SS E LB EK K H O LM ATO V BA C KEN D D EV ELO PER+998976437730 exolmatov99@gmail.com linkedin.com/in/elbekkholmatov github.com/ElbekKholmatov Tashkent, Uzbekistan S o ft S k il lsH ard S k il lsC om mun ic atio n P ro b le m -s o lv in g Tim e m an ag em ent A tte ntio n t o d eta il T e am work a n d c o lla b ora tio n A dap ta b il it y a n d fl e xib il it y L e ad ers h ip W ORK EX PER IE N C E I am an experienced software engineer with a strong track record of building and maintaining software systems. I am proficient in cutting-edge development tools and have a keen eye for detail. With my expertise in backend development and ability to work independently or as part of a team, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your organization's success. OCTO F in Te ch05/2 0 23 - P re se n t,Achievements/TasksBackend Developer at OCTO Fintech, responsible for developing and maintaining robust backend systems, APIs, and databases. Successfully delivered critical projects within strict deadlines and exceeded client expectations. Implemented advanced caching techniques and integrated RESTful APIs for seamless integration with external systems. Actively contributed to code reviews and improved legacy code maintainability. W eb sit e U pdate0 1/ 2 0 23 - 0 4/2 0 23 ,Achievements/TasksI recently updated the website https://www.marionwilliams-law.com with new information and design elements. The updates include changes to the site's layout, content, and visual elements to improve user experience and ensure the site stays up-to-date with the latest industry standards. Reference : mgw@marionwilliams-law.com T e le g ra m b ot F re ela n ce02/2 0 23 - 0 3/2 0 23 ,Achievements/TasksThis bot calculates solar power output and detects panel issues by analyzing panel information, such as size, efficiency, orientation, shading, and data on temperature, voltage, and current readings. Users can input their panel details, and the bot displays an estimated power output and any identified issues for the user to address. Reference : https://t.me/coder26_2002 Uzb ek: N ativ e E ng lis h : U pper - in te rm ed ia te R ussia n : In te rm ed ia te L a n g uag ePD P I T A cad em y ( " U nic o rn " S ch o la rs h ip )G PA : 4 .5 3 E d ucatio nJa va B ac ke nd D eve lo p m ent ( 2 0 22 - 2 0 23)T U IT Te le co m un atio n T e chno lo g ie s ( 2 0 21 - P re se nt) IE LT S 6 .5 IT F u n d am enta ls O MUC A nd ro id D eve lo p m ent T ra c k T a sh ken t U niv e rs it y o f I n fo rm atio n T e ch no lo g ie s C ertif ic ate s
14 февраля, 2015
40 лет (13 августа 1984)
4 октября, 2014
50 лет (21 мая 1974)
19 марта, 2015
40 лет (12 января 1985)