Менеджер по ВЭД( ASKLEPIY )
Personal Information
Address : M. Ulugbek , A . Yugnaki y Str., 44 -5. Tashkent /Uzbek istan
Date of birth: 29.07.1977
Citizenship: Republic of Uzbekistan
Documents: Permanent Residence permit of the Republic of Tur key
Marital Status: Married
Children : 1
Mob : +998 90 8214417
E-mail : o_yu ldashev @ yahoo .com ; exportsales4 3@gmail.com
Obje ctives : My main purpo se is to us e all my knowledge and experience to develop and increase
international sales, explore new markets, and increase the number of distributors around the world,
ensuring the satisfaction of the Employer.
Educati on :
1995 – 1999 TIEIAM (Tashkent Institute of Enginee rs of Irrigation and Agric ultural Mechanization) , The
wate r economy departmen t, bachelor ’s degree in Management .
199 1 – 1994 «Kuleli Askeri Lisesi » mi litary school (Ist/Turkey) .
1989 – 1991 «Suvorovsk oye Uchilishe » Military S chool RSSI (Tashkent/Uzb ekistan)
1984 – 19 89 High Sc hool
Languages :
Uzbek(native), Russian( native), English( С2 advanced), Turkish( native ), Deutsch(Elementary ),
Computer Skills :
M.S Office advanced user
Work Experience :
1. Compa ny name: Exper Plate Heat Exc ha ngers. – Turkey.
Period: 201 8.07.01 – 01.09.2023
Position: Export Sales Manager
Functions: Supporting all dire ct sales , s earching for new customers and markets, the
conc lusion of contracts, directin g& execut ing export s ales , contro llin g a process of shipment and
delivery from a to z, considering claims of customers, visiting customers , arrangement,
attending&visiting exhibitions and getting sales reports from distributors .
Key Achievements: Entered A rgentini an, Mexican, Can adian, Centr al Asi an, Be lorussian,
Ukrainian, Russian, Baltic , UK , Spanish, Swiss, French , Dutch , Australian, Sou th African , Mongolian
and Thai markets, also increased a customer portfolio, concluded a few exclusive distributor's
agreements .
Number of att ende d exhibi tions : 30
2. Company name: ''Aslan Ticaret - Schafer '' - Turkey
Period: 201 7.09 .10 – 2018.0 6.30
Position: Export Sales Manager
Functions: Supporting all dire ct sales acti vities in the assigned ter ritories , market
research, finding new customers, new markets and new op portunities, maintaining regular contact
with all current customers , visits and negotiations to achieve the targets, preparing report s.
Key Achievements: Entered US, Ce ntral A sian, Ukrain ian, and Mongolian mar kets, found customers who
became our e xclusive dist ributors.
Cutlery Factory - Turkey
Period: 2015. 07 .10 – 2017 .08.26
Position: US, CIS, Mongolia and North America Export Sales Manager
Functions: Supporting all direct sales activities in the assigned territor ies , market
research, finding new customers, new markets and new opportunities , maintaining regular contact
with all customers , visits and negotiations to achieve targets and preparing report s.
Key Achievements: I paved way to US, Baltic, Central Asia n, Ukrainian, Belarusian and
Mongolian markets, where I found serious customers who became our exclusive distribu tors.
4. Company name: «A.M Co., Ltd» - Turkey
Period: 2014.10 – 2015. 07 .01
Position: Ex port Sales Specialist
Functions: Supporting all direct sales and finding new customers and research new
markets. The developmen t and execution of sales strategies, strengthening a
large portfolio of customers, managing sales budgets, and setting targets .
5. Company name: «Erkin» co., ltd. - Uzbekistan
Period: 20 14.02 – 2014 .07
Position: Manager of Inte rnal S ales, both translator and interpreter
Functions: Sales, reports and drawing up business plans for equipment leasing with
subs equent purchase.
6. Company name: «Helbeto» Co., Ltd - Uzbekistan
Period: 2013 – 2014
Position: Manager of Internal Sales
Func tions: Market research and finding new customers
7. Company name : OAKB “Samarkand ” - Uzbekistan
Period: 20 10 – 2013
Position: Deputy General Manager
Functions: The rent of Real Estates, business trips (to UAE)
Leading a team, considering reports, corresponde nce.
8. Company n ame: AXMED SAVDO KAPITAL Co., ltd. - Uzbeki stan
Period: 20 08 – 201 0
Position: Deputy General Manager
Functions: Letting out on lease of non -residential premises , technical translations ,
correspondence, negotiations , team leading , co nsidering reports .
9. Company name: DEKO – EX PRESS Co., ltd. - Uzbekistan
Period: 2008 – 20 08
Position: Office Manager , Translator
Functions: Technical t ranslations, correspondence, negotiations and visa support for
foreign partners .
10. Company name: XINJIANG GOLD ROSE IMP&EX P CO., LTD. - China
Period: 200 7 – 20 08
Position: General Manager Deputy
Functions: Conducting all company affairs and increasing the number of export
11. Company name: PE “Mehnat Halol”. - Uzbekistan
Period: 200 5 – 20 07
Position: Office Manager , Translator
Functions: Techni cal translations and visa support for foreign employees.
12. Company name: PE “Mehnat Halol”. - Uzbekistan
Period: 200 2 – 20 04
Position: Office Manager , Translator
Functions: Technic al t ranslations, correspondence, negotiations and visa support for
foreign guests.
Driving License : «B»
Pe rsonal Qualities : Dependable , initiative, communicable , versatile , easily trainable, always in good
physical shape, no bad habits.
14 февраля, 2015
40 лет (13 августа 1984)
4 октября, 2014
50 лет (21 мая 1974)
19 марта, 2015
40 лет (12 января 1985)