Intern JavaScript Developer
Shokhrukh Karimov
Front End Software Engineer
Github | Linkedin | | +998 91 426 20 25
Uzbekistan, Khorezm, Urgench
A highly motivated and detail -oriented junior Front End developer seeking a challenging position
to contribute my technical skills and passion for creating engaging user experiences.
Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering in Tashkent University of Information
technology, 2019 – 2023
RS School, Javascript Front -End online education program, 2022 -2023
Technical skills:
Front -End : HTML, CSS, Javascript , Typescript , SASS, Bootstrap, Angular, React ,
React Native
Others :, Node.js, Git/Git Hub, npm, Rxjs, Webpack , MongoDB/Mongoose , Gulp, BEM ,
Material -UI
Relevant coursework:
RS School , JavaScript/Front -end Mentoring Program , 2022 - 2023
Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Typescript, React , React Native , Angular ,
Experience with responsive web design and mobile optimization
Knowledge of OOP programming, SOLID principles, Design patters, Agile methodology
Familiarity with front -end frameworks/libraries (e.g., React, Angular )
Strong understanding of UI/UX principles and best practices
Knowledge of version control systems (e.g., Git)
Ability to collaborate effectively in a team environment
Excelle nt problem -solving and troubleshooting skills
Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines
Work experience
Full stack engineer - Voluntary Work (remote) – since July, 2023 ( )
o Collaborated with a team of 7 developers to develop a community crowdfunding platform
aimed at supporting local initiatives and projects.
o Collaborate closely with a senior web developer ( Munira Begmuratova ) in daily stand -up
meetings to discuss progress, roadblocks, and task coordination.
o Technologies used: MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), Styled
Components, React Query, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Git
o Explore the interactive demo of the community crowdfunding platform here .
Front End engineer – Internship , UMD Soft company – for 3 months
o Collaborated with a great team and gained Vue.js fundamentals
o Learned much useful info related to Front End engineering
RS School, Javascript/Front -End online program by EPAM , certification April 2023
Online -zoo
o Online -zoo is a platform that contains information about animals from various
zoos with webcams , I built its main and donate pages to sharpen my design and
web skills
o Technologies: HTML5, Css3, Javascript , DOM, responsive design, pixel -perfect
o Source code: link
o Live Demo: link
Book shop
o The bookX shop owner asked you to create the online shop t o buy book with delivery to
user's home. He wants the user to be able to look through the books' catalog, see the
description of a particular book, add a book to the bag, choose the appropriate date and
address to deliver.
o Technologies: HTML5, Css3, Javascript, DOM
o Source code: link
o Live Demo: link
Project Management Application
o Project management system is an application that helps an individual in a team or group
of developers achieve their goals.
o Technologies: HTML5, Css3, Bootstrap, Javascript/Angular, API, Rxjs
o Source code: link
o Live Demo: link
Weather App
o Weather app is an application where you can search any city and you can get
information about weather forecast with some extra information based on the city
o Technologies: HTML5, Css3, Bootstrap, Javascript/Angular, API, Rxjs
o Source code: link
o Live Demo: link
Travel List App
o Travel List app is an ap plication in which you can enter your needs for your trip with
awesome UI and logic behind
o Technologies: Javascipt, React Js
o Source code: link
o Live Demo: link
Eat and Split App
o This is an application where you can eat in a restaurant and split a total bill together
o Technologies: Javascript, React Js
o Source code: link
o Live Demo: link
React Quiz
o This is an application where users can do a quiz in a specific time, check their
o Technologies: React Js
o Source code: link
Some more on GitHub
English: Advanced - C1
14 февраля, 2015
40 лет (13 августа 1984)
4 октября, 2014
50 лет (21 мая 1974)
19 марта, 2015
40 лет (12 января 1985)